To continue learning about National Hispanic and Latinx Heritage Month One is a Piñata book of numbers is a great way to discover a fiesta of numbers/counting from one to ten with many of the featured objects are Hispanic and Latinx origin. After reading this story to extend the literacy set out a butcher paper with the numbers 1-10 and loose parts (gem cubes, transparent pattern blocks, transparent rainbow pebbles) to encourage exposure through practicing one-to-one correspondence through loose parts play.
The process of experiencing numbers & developing a number sense starts in the early years. There are two stages of counting that all children go through – rote counting & rational counting (one-to-one correspondence). Rote counting is when a child learns the number names & can say them verbatim in sequence. Rational counting is when a child is able to assign the correct number name to each object as they are counted in succession. The difference between the two is that the first is a process of memorizing names in sequence & the second is the process of developing an understanding of the value of numbers.
So why is it important to expose children to open ended one-to-one correspondence invitations such as this? When children are exposed to invitations where they match an object to the corresponding number & begin to grasp that numbers are symbols to represent a quantity this will help guide young children to understand the meaning or value of the numbers. Numbers and symbols are abstract for children so 1:1 correspondence is the connection between the symbol, the language, and the quantity. By asking them to count objects to the symbol; the child will be exposed to coordinate their counting with the objects by collecting or pointing to them.
Providing loose parts for children to practice 1:1 correspondence by sorting objects into the corresponding numbers leave children to explore or sit with them and use intentional language and open-ended questioning to extend their thinking and enhance their learning in a way where they have time to practice with no pressure.
Here are some other ways to invite a children to learn about the culture through open ended play based invitations.