Closing out Ocean Week with 3 invitations to explore mermaids lagoons. Childhood can quite possibly be some of the most magical years, by inviting children to PLAY, imagine, and create, we provide an environment where core memories will stay with a child forever!
Since mermaids are magical ocean creatures loved by littles, we invited them to explore three different mermaid lagoons.
1. Seashell Mermaid Lagoon: In our Discount School Supply Tuff Tray we placed iridescent cellophane as the based, poured water + splashes of Colorations liquid watercolors. Provided mermaids, sea jewels, & seashells
2. Coral Reef Mermaid Lagoon: In our tuff tray we placed water mixed with Colorations Metallic Liquid Paint. Provided mermaids + sea animal figurines, coral, & aquarium seaweed.
3. Seaside Mermaid Lagoon: We placed water mixed with Colorations Fluorescent Paint + Cornstarch, mermaids + sea animal figurines, volcanic rocks, seashells, & aquarium seaweed.
When children see movies, read books, experience environments, or spark an interest in a subject matter, being able to PLAY with intentional materials that honors their interest, imagination, curiosities, and wonder makes that much more meaningful & engaging.