To continue exploring all of the diverse cultures around the world we read the book "Thank you, Omu!" by Oge Mora. The Nigerian author brings to life a heartwarming story of sharing the story about the strong female role models in her life. "Omu" (pronounced AH-moo) means "queen" in the Igbo language of her parents, but growing up, she used it to mean "Grandma." In the story everyone in the neighborhood dreams of tasting Omu's delicious stew. Omu serves her scrumptious stew and extra love to all of her community.
The recurring theme we are reading in so many of these wonderful books about different cultures is that food plays an integral role in our lives. The food we eat is intertwined with culture/traditions and many of our favorite memories are associated with gathering during special celebrations, helping our community, or simply enjoying comfort food together. By exploring and learning about different foods and traditions from around the world children can learn, respect, & experience a lot of different cultures.
After reading the story we provided bowls, pots, ladles, whisks, red colored water, and nature loose parts. The children were invited to create their own Omu stew!
The children were able to scoop, pour, transfer, measure, mix, materials from one container to another with the variety of tools provided to create. With all that math & science happening in an open ended way, there was also plenty of language development where the children discussed the ingredients/techniques they were using, imaginations blossoming as they reenacted what was happening the book or making new creations of their own, and collaboration when they took turns/problem solved & worked as community to create Omu Stew together.