The book Don't Worry, Little Crab by Chris Haughton (Author, Illustrator) is about a Little Crab & Very Big Crab that live in a tiny rock pool near the sea. They decided they are going for a dip in the big ocean. Mustering the courage to take the plunge helps them discover the brilliant world once they try something new together.
After reading this book we set out to recreate the story through sensory filled small world play in our tuff tray. We mixed water with Colorations shiny paint + liquid watercolors & corn starch to create an oobleck like texture for the water. Sprayed shaving cream to create waves. Provided crab figurines, fish, aquarium seaweed, coral, rocks, & seashells.
Sensory play (oobleck, shaving cream, water, loose parts) stimulates the child‘s brain & builds neural pathways that improve sensory processing systems. In addition to enhancing their senses, many sensory activities also encourage social & pretend play, math, science, language development, hand-eye coordination, & so much more.
Since children learn best through hands-on experiences because they are using different modalities they will retain & learn new concepts while enhancing their developmental skills. This type of learning through play helps their brain engage & expand their neural pathways since so many of their senses are being used. Hence why play builds brains. The more children are given opportunities of open ended play such as this they higher their level of thinking will grow & develop.