The 12 Lunar New Year zodiac animals are: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig. Each year in a 12-year cycle is assigned an animal & each animal is associated with a personality that typifies the year & those born during that year. This year the Snake, which is the 6th animal in the zodiac, embodies traits such as intuition, strategy, & elegance. The snake is associated with wisdom, charm, elegance, personal growth, renewal, & transformation.

We read the book Year Of The Snake by Zhango Jink Yo is about Sami, a curious & determined young boy, who discovers the wonders of the zodiac & the significance. This book also introduces children to Lunar New Year traditions, the symbolism of the zodiac, & the importance of embracing challenges. Which is perfect for inspiring tales of friendship, determination, & cultural celebration.
After reading the book we invited the children to create a collaborative dragon snake & snake for our upcoming parade. The dragon dance is a traditional dance performed during Lunar New Year to bring good luck, prosperity, & blessings to the community. The dragon is a symbol of power, wisdom, & fertility.
We made everything out of recycled cardboard, rolls, & packaging. We invited the children to paint it with Colorations tempera paint. Next we provided a tinker tray filled with recycled bottle caps, pom poms, repurposed art, stickers galore & let them glue away!
