To kick off Animals Galore, we invited the children to get some farm animals dirty and then let them wash them squeaky clean. In two tuff trays we placed inflatable farm animals with brown tempera paint, the children were invited to get the animals muddy by painting them. In another tuff tray we made a muddy looking oobleck, provided recycled berry baskets, and placed figurines for the children to let the animals have some fun.
After the animals got dirty from head to toe the children were provided sponges, towels, scrubbers, toothbrushes, bowls, buckets, soapy water to clean all the mud off the animals. While there are endless benefits about sensory play (oobleck) & process art painting, washing the animals is a great way to have children be exposed to a practical life skill all through the power of play.
Practical life activities such as washing animals are not only enticing, they are important for young children to continuously be exposed to. Activities for practicing the care of their environment such as washing, are both fun and great for developing order, concentration, coordination, and independence. There are a series of steps that children will go through for a practical life activity that is wonderful for developing concentration, organization, and the ability to follow directions.
Washing anything is enticing to children because they love anything that involves water and at the same time they are also able to model/mimic what they see adults doing everyday around them. Since water play is a staple in early childhood education it comes so naturally for children to play and explore with water. By providing various cleaning tools (sponges, tooth brushes, hand towels) the child will be exposed to different techniques of cleaning while enhancing their fine & gross motor skills plus hand-eye coordination.