The story The Lights that Dance in the Night by Yuval Zommer is a wonderful way to explore and learn about the Northern Lights that appear during the winter season. The book goes on a journey from space to earth showcasing the magic for animals and people living in the frozen lands.
After reading the story we also showed images and videos about the Northern Lights. We talked about how they are also known as Auroral displays that appear in many colors, forms in patches or scattered clouds of shooting rays that light up the sky with an eerie glow. The bright lights are collisions between electrically charged particles from the sun that enter the earth's atmosphere and are seen above magnets poles of the northern and southern hemisphere.
Before inviting them to explore the invitations we closed the lights and used our star projector to showcase what the northern lights would look like in real life.
Here are the two Northern Lights invitations:
1. Northern Lights Small World Play: The children were invited to explore the Northern Lights Polar Habitat in a tuff tray with Glow Construction Blocks, Illuminated Sensory Glow Pebbles, rainbow tea lights, bottle brush trees, arctic animals, and insta snow.
2. Invitation to Paint the Northern Lights: The children were invited to paint the Northern lights on construction paper metallic bio color paint.