One of my favorite process art invitations from Meredith of @homegrownfriends book Art Play! is Magic Drawing Cars. It is such a great mixture of action and process art that always engages children. For more of her amazing ideas check out this previous blog post!

Before doing art reading the story Love is a Truck by Amy Novesky (Author), Sara Gillingham (Illustrator) is a sweet book to read with Valentine's day approaching. From dump trucks to ice cream trucks, this rhythmic ode to trucks is a great story to read over and over.

After reading the invitation you can set up this invitation by grabbing trucks just like the story, butcher paper, tape, and Colorations Tempera Paint Sticks in Valentine's Day Colors. Simply invite the child to explore, move, create, and play!

Action art is a combination of two things children really love to do: create and move. It involves art where the focus is on the process rather than the finished product, where children are exploring and experimenting that stimulates the child's learning from discovering and creating. “We all know that children prefer to be active, and action art incorporates the child’s need for activity with the always important need for creativity. The art experiences are based on the philosophy that children will learn from the process of creating, and that the finished product is the result of that process, not the goal.” – MaryAnn Kohl and Barbara Zaborowski
