Plastic Ornaments are great for so many invitations during the holiday season. Last year we did DIY Pom Pom Ornaments and Fizzing Ornament Science. This sensory play invitation is set up with plastic ornaments and bulbs, Kidfetti, wooden scoopers, in our Ikea FLISAT table.
Simply invite the child(ren) to pour, scoop, measure, Children's Factory Multi-Colored Kidfetti Play Pellets with the ornaments. Sensory play stimulates the child‘s brain and builds neural pathways that improve sensory processing systems. In addition to enhancing their senses many sensory activities also encourage social & pretend play, math, science, language development, hand-eye coordination, and so much more.
Since children learn best through hands-on experiences because they are using different modalities they will retain and learn new concepts while enhancing their developmental skills. This type of learning through play helps their brain engage and create and expand their neural pathways since so many of their senses are being used. Hence why play builds brains. The more children are given opportunities of opened ended play such as this they higher their level of thinking will grow and develop.
We loved how the ornaments turned out when filled with Kidfetti so much we placed two on the tree!