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Fizzing Ornament Science

This science experiment explores three different ways to explore fizzing ornaments. I was recently inspired by Tinyn3rds version of this and decided to add some other ways that you can do the experiment.

The first is smaller circular ice molds filled with baking soda, liquid water colors, glitter, and water molds. In a bowl mix all of the listed components and place it in the molds followed by freezing it.

The second is larger circular ice molds filled with water, liquid water colors, and glitter. You can place all the components and in the molds followed by freezing it.

The last is plastic ornaments filled with baking soda, dish soap, glitter, and tempera paint. There is no need to mix just simply place all of the components in the ornaments.

When everything is ready place the items in sensory tray. Place a couple of cups filled with vinegar and drops of liquid water colors. Provide twisty droppers and let the child experiment the three different fizzing ornaments.

Science provides children with the opportunities to explore their environments as they learn about cause and effect, cycles of nature, comparisons, chemical and physical changes, reactions and properties of matter. As curiosity builds, children learn to be patient with projects that take time and how to make decisions based on the data they gathered. A basic skill for "scientific research" is the ability to observe and realize how things are the same and how they are different. Developing this ability to understand likeness and differences builds a science base as well as a skill for future math and reading skills. This science experiment process teaches wonder, process, and patience – while being a fun while being a magical open ended experience.

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