Howardena Pindell is an American painter, filmmaker, and mixed media artist. Her work explores texture, color, structures, and is often political. To honor her work for #BlackHistoryMonth inviting a child to create a mix media collage of her recurring motif of the circle, is a great way to learn about her art.

The circle goes back to connecting her childhood memories. From hole punched paper, watercolor, gouache, crayon, ink, spray adhesive, and thread, the circles appeared in many of her pieces.

To set this invitation you can place a variety of circular materials in a tinker tray and let the child create. This PlayTray is filled with recycled cds & container/pouch/bottle tops, dot stickers, collage materials, and buttons. The child can create layers upon layers with glue and washi tape on poster board. You can print and laminate images of her art work as a provocation to inspire similar techniques while having them explore the detail in her art.
The beauty about collages is that you can keep revisiting and adding more materials over and over. #Processart allows children to explore freely, be in control of the outcomes creatively, & let them discover art in their own way. This builds their confidence, fosters their cognitive skills & when they become aware of all the different ways to do art, make predictions, plan it out/problem solve, everything comes into full circle.
