The little holes in plastic eggs scream drip process art and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math). Process art and science experiences such as this provides an opportunity for the children to explore the process of experimenting and exploring. The child is using creative and critical thinking skills much like scientists, mathematicians, engineers and artist when they attempt to find new and innovative solutions to create art.
To set this STEAM invitation you will need plastic eggs, paint cups, tempera paint #gifted, water, spoons, and butcher paper. Pick out the colors of paint you would like, place then in the paint cup, add white if you want to make them pastel like, and a splash of water to dilute the paint.
After all the mixing, have the child scoop with a spoon or pour the paint into the egg shells and have them drip paint all around the butcher paper.
Process art has a beautiful way of transforming objects, materials, and techniques. While the child refills the eggs many times with the paint, create new techniques, and explore the dripping paint they are also experimented with mixing paint colors, lifting the egg high and low off the paper, and observing the viscosity of the liquid. Children who feel able to experiment and to make mistakes feel free to invent new ways of thinking, which extends well beyond the art. This open-ended plastic egg art activity also makes for a paint tsunami masterpiece.