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Pumpkin Washing

Typically I have done this practical life invitation with baby dolls, play kitchen items, or a car wash. Since fall is here, a fun way of further exploring pumpkins and gourds through sensory play, is inviting a child to wash pumpkins. The invitation is simply placed in a sensory bin, with pumpkins + gourds, soap, water, and hand towels.

Practical life activities are not only enticing they are important activities for young children. There are a series of steps that children will go through for a cleaning activity. That’s wonderful for developing concentration, organization, and the ability to follow directions.

Pumpkin washing is even more attractive and engaging to the child because they love anything that a) involves water b) something they are noticing in the world around them lately and c) it is totally out of the norm d) it empowers them to feel capable of doing something they see adults do.

By adding real life cleaning supplies sponges, towels, and soap, it makes it an all encompassing activity that they are proud to do over and over again! Practical life activities help instill care of their environment, are both fun and great for developing order, concentration, coordination, and independence in hygiene and cleanliness.

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