Pinch of Love Sensory +Loose Parts Dramatic Play// The story Pinch of Love by Barry Timms (Author), Tisha Lee (Illustrator) is about celebrating love that comes through baking, cooking, and sharing food through the warm bond of a diverse community. After reading the book we wanted to integrate the literacy experience by inviting the children to bake with love just like the special moments in the book.

To set this tuff tray play up we provided expired sprinkles that we had left over from cookie decorating a while back, measuring cups, baking trays, tea pots, cups, ladles, pots, pans, whisks, acrylic and wooden hearts, and pretend deserts. The children were invited to make, create, play, and bake a pinch of love however their heart desired.

The beauty of play in early childhood is its versatility and the wide range of opportunities it can provide. This specific invitation explores sensory, loose parts, and dramatic play all in one. When we provide children with a rich and welcoming environment where we honor their imagination, curiosity, and wonder where learning will flourish naturally all through the power of play. These invitations are merely set up in the environment to ignite and spark new or current interests, while also exposing them to a variety of materials and new concepts.

“When ideas meet with hands, extraordinary things happen. Thoughts give shape to the materials and the materials remodels the thoughts and then the things we do grow along with our own growing." Salvador Allende Preschool Identity Book
