If you already haven't caught on my love for Frida Kahlo runs deep. For severals years I have been dressing up as her when she is the artist of the month at the centers I do administration for. The whole month our teachers have been reading stories and doing invitations that explore her and the art she created. This year Frida came COVID style.

At each center I set up a table of her books, art work, dolls, and an easel. I sat at the easel painting a self portrait and the children slowly walked up and were completely enamored. After talking about the different styles of paintings Frida created we read several books about her. While children’s books open children’s eyes to differences, actual experiences have the most profound influence on what children think and believe. The integration of literacy, arts, and an experience such as this strengthens literacy skills, provides a deeper connection to the context, and fosters creative thinking.

The children loved learning more about Frida and seeing her come to life! When children learn about artists the more well rounded and creative they become, they pay attention to detail and different styles of art. Art is a fundamental component of early childhood and more exposure leads to seeing the beauty around them and in others. Art can be rooted in history and a catalyst for change in culture, which is why it is so important to introduce children to all different forms of art. Experiences such as this will empower them to be creative, develop a sense of culture, and become aware of the beauty in the world around them.

"Painting completed my life." Frida Kahlo
