One of the biggest reasons I am passionate about exposing children to culture and celebrating diversity is for every child to feel seen, heard, and acknowledged in their community. Growing up, my Persian culture was never spoken about or acknowledged throughout my education. With so many amazing resources as educators now, exposing children to other cultures from a young age lays a foundation of appreciation and acceptance along with validating those within their community.

Culture is a strong part of people's lives. It influences their views, their values, their humor, their hopes, their loyalties, and their worries and fears. Exposing children to cultural diversity is important because our world consists of various cultural, racial, and ethnic groups. When different cultures are introduced to children, they gain a level of understanding & perspective of others, which is needed in order to build relationships, facilitate collaboration, encourage cooperation, respect, appreciation in the future.
Nowruz (New Year) which means New Day in Persian culture has bee celebrated for over 3,000 years. It is marking the first day of spring and the renewal of nature. It promotes values of peace and solidarity between generations and within families as well as reconciliation and neighbourliness, thus contributing to cultural diversity and friendship among peoples and different communities. With spring approaching it means that Nowruz is just around the corner, so here are invitations inspired by the Persian culture, that you can do in the classroom our at home!
1. Hands-On Haft-Sin™ by Little Persian

17. Yalda Paly-dough & Loose Parts Play Invitation & Yalda Night Loose Parts Play &Invitation to Explore Yalda
